
The Best Online Workouts for 2017

by Tienlyn Jacobson  |  1/18/2017

Welp. Here we are again. Back on the bandwagon for getting healthy and in our best shape ever for the new year... how's everyone doing on that, btw? 

If you haven't exactly hit all your goals yet, I have news for you - sames... but that doesn't mean I'm not starting to kick it into gear. The key, at least for me, I've found is to be easy on yourself and find compromises. These first two weeks of the year have been pretty rough. We've had serious weather damage to some projects and some health scares, and running around like a mad woman hasn't helped me focus on anything I vowed to focus on which, which, when it's your resolutions, can be kind of disheartening. 

Luckily, I don't really consider it a new year until Chinese New Year, which conveniently, usually gives me about a month leeway! Also, I don't take my resolutions too seriously and I'm never hard on myself about them. Which is kind of my approach to fitness too - I've been switching it up a lot - not just because it's a lot harder to do my regular workouts in JT, but also because it's more fun to switch things up!

I've done a post like this before, but because I keep discovering new at-home workouts, below are some of my favorite workouts that I'm currently doing, that you can do at home or anywhere (except for one, which I had to add just because it's so good).

ROCKSALT PILATES: So this isn't exactly an at-home workout. In fact, at all. But I loved it so much I wanted to mention it anyway! This was hands down the most fun and challenging pilates class I have ever taken. I missed my strength class due to a minor fender bender, but in my 'sweat' class, I did just that! It was a mix of high cardio and strength, and we used the reformers in completely new ways which made it not only super fun, but a fantastic workout. They have studios sprinkled throughout the Bay Area and I highly recommend them!

How do you keep fit at home? Have you tried any of these before? Would love to hear!

